WELLBEING DAY: Sebepéče jako prostředek prevence vzniku závažných onemocnění


This publication doesn't include Faculty of Sports Studies. It includes Faculty of Arts. Official publication website can be found on muni.cz.
Title in English WELLBEING DAY: Self-care as a prevention of serious disease development


Year of publication 2024
Type Workshop
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description Many serious diseases are preventable and therefore their occurrence and development can be largely prevented by regular and systematic adherence to the principles of a healthy lifestyle, which is one of the basic determinants of health. However, the desirable approach to health in terms of diet, physical activity, sleep, mental hygiene and risk avoidance is influenced by a number of specificities at the individual and societal level, and therefore sustained adherence to healthy lifestyle principles may prove difficult. The workshop therefore focused on mapping the main determinants of health and health-related self-behaviour, the role of key psychological constructs that influence our health behaviour, and the factors that are helpful in maintaining a desirable lifestyle. Practical examples were used to introduce basic methods and practices of working on oneself, based on the Seven Pillars of Self-Care method, and to discuss appropriate ways in which self-care can be effectively incorporated into one's daily routine.
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