Escritoras checas contemporáneas de literatura infantil y juvenil y el tema de la amistad como base para la maduración emocional y psicosocial


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Title in English Contemporary Czech writers of children's and youth literature and the theme of friendship as the basis of emotional and psychosocial maturation.

LÍPOVÁ Magdaléna

Year of publication 2024
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description The study deals with selected works by contemporary Czech women writers who have won the Zlatá stuha, a literary prize for children's and youth works in the literary section category. Using the method of literary interpretation analysis, it identifies and characterises the themes of the books and focuses on the relationship of friendship between the protagonists, explores what their interests and problems are, what developmental challenges they face and how they cope with them, how their personality characteristics and new skills develop, and how they establish interpersonal relationships and seek and find their place in the world. The work is part of a research thesis, which aims to investigate the psychological characteristics of the protagonists at different stages of psychological development in selected texts of Czech writers of children's literature, to describe and categorise the developmental tasks and attitudes, qualities and values that are emphasised in these works and to compare them with widely known developmental theories - the theory of cognitive development, moral awareness, but above all to analyse the evidence of Erik Erikson's theory of psychosocial development.
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