Zkušenosti skokanů na trampolíně a jejich trenérů se syndromem ztraceného pohybu


This publication doesn't include Faculty of Sports Studies. It includes Faculty of Arts. Official publication website can be found on muni.cz.
Title in English Experience Of Trampolinists And Their Coaches With Lost Move Syndrome


Year of publication 2023
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description Lost Move Syndrome (LMS) is a psychological condition in which an athlete is unable to perform a movement that was previously fully automatic. This phenomenon is associated with gymnastics, trampoline jumping, and high diving. To our knowledge, this was the first study on this topic conducted in the Czech Republic. The aim was to investigate the personal experience of trampolinists and their coaches with the Lost Move Syndrome. Six in-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted with three trampolinists (aged 13 to 20 years) and their coaches (aged 45 to 46 years with coaching experience ranging from 20 to 28 years). Statements were analyzed using interpretative phenomenological analysis. The results contributed to mapping this important but not well-described phenomenon in the literature, showing great variability, especially in the perceived causes of LMS and physical manifestations, which were quite different for each trampolinist and may be dangerous within the sport. The experience is accompanied not only by many negative psychological manifestations in trampolinists but also in coaches – especially fear and misunderstanding. At the same time, quite significant differences were found between the perceptions of the LMS experience of trampolinists and their coaches. The own experience with the LMS appears to be the most crucial for understanding the LMS. The results may be helpful for coaches in practice or sports psychologists to understand trampolinist's experience of LMS further.
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