Dispersal and invasive stages of Urospora eugregarines (Apicomplexa) from brown bodies of a polychaete host

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Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Journal of Invertebrate Pathology
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Doi http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jip.2023.107997
Keywords Invertebrate immunity; gametocyst; oocyst; sporozoite;18S and 28S rDNAs; Urosporidae
Description Urosporid eugregarines (Apicomplexa: Urosporidae) are unicellular eukaryotic parasites inhabiting the coelom or the intestine of marine invertebrates such as annelids, molluscs, nemerteans, and echinoderms. Despite the availability of published morphological and phylogenetical analyses of coelomic gregarines, their long-term survival in the host body cavity and dispersal routes into the marine environment remain unclear. Here, we focus on Urospora gametocysts and oocysts with sporozoites, which were found viable inside the so-called brown bodies floating in the body cavity of the polychaete Travisia forbesii. Brown bodies form as a result of host defence where coelomocytes encapsulate dead host cells and foreign objects including potential pathogens. We hypothesise the long-term persistence of Urospora eugregarines in brown bodies through evasion of the host immunity and outline possible pathways for their egress into the marine environment, applicable as dispersal routes for other parasites as well. Unique features revealed by detailed ultrastructural analysis of detected eugregarine stages include asynchronous sporogony, a massive sporozoite secretion apparatus, as well as the presence of free (possibly autoinfective) sporozoites within the gametocyst. The assignment to the genus Urospora and the complete identity with U. ovalis and U. travisiae were confirmed by analysing 18S rDNA sequences obtained from isolated gametocysts. The 18S rDNA phylogeny confirmed the affiliation of Urosporidae to Lecudinoidea and the grouping of all Urospora sequences with Difficilina from nemerteans and environmental sequences from the Artic region. We also enriched the Apicomplexa set by partial 28S rDNA sequences of two Urospora species enabling more complex phylogenetic analyses prospectively.
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