Archeologický výzkum úvozových cest u Dolního Němčí v kontextu historických stezek v prostoru jihovýchodní Moravy


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Title in English Archaeological Excavation of Sunken Lanes near Dolní Němčí in the Context of Historical Roads in the Area of South-East Moravia


Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Slovácko : společenskovědní sborník pro moravsko-slovenské pomezí
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords South-East Moravia; Late Middle Ages; Early Modern Period; sunken lanes; rescue archaeological excavation
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Description The study presents the results of a rescue archaeological excavation at the site of Dolní Němčí - "Průhon" / "Kráčinky" carried out in 2018. Within the investigated area, a total of three chronological horizons of human activities were documented, with the presented study focusing on the youngest of these, namely the remnants of sunken lanes that functioned during the Late Middle Ages to Early Modern period. The acquired findings are situated in the broader context of historical roads in the southeastern Moravia.
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