Pohřební ritus v období velkomoravském a povelkomoravském. In JAGOŠOVÁ, Lucie a Pavol TIŠLIAR (eds.). Slované: život a smrt v raném středověku (materiály a statě)


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Title in English Funeral rites in the Great Moravian and post-Great Moravian periods. In JAGOŠOVÁ, Lucie a Pavol TIŠLIAR (eds.). Slované: život a smrt v raném středověku (materiály a statě)


Year of publication 2023
Type Special-purpose publication
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description This work deals with funeral rites – how the Slavs living in the region of present-day Moravia and Bohemia treated their dead during the Great Moravian and post-Great Moravian periods. The work presents the periodisation used for the given period and briefly describes the types of funeral rites used by the Slavs (cremation, inhumation, burial mounds, flat graves and their combinations). The method of burying the dead and the design of graves, the form of funerary equipment and changes in its content, as well as the method of burial in connection with the gradual spread of Christianity in the given area are described in more detail.
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