Electrochemical Analysis of Insulin on Graphite Electrodes

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This publication doesn't include Faculty of Sports Studies. It includes Faculty of Science. Official publication website can be found on muni.cz.


Year of publication 2022
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference 41. Moderní elektrochemické metody : Sborník přednášek
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

web https://www.bestservis.eu/images/file/Sbornik_metody22.pdf
Keywords Insulin; Tyrosine; Screen-printed graphite electrode; Pencil graphite electrodes; Voltammetry; Circular dichroism; Denaturation; BeStSel
Description Electrochemical study of insulin on non-modified and nanoparticle-modified graphite electrodes was performed. The insulin oxidation signal, for which tyrosine is responsible, has been investigated not only in terms of insulin forms (native, denatured, dimeric, monomeric) and adjustable solution parameters (pH, concentration, ionic strength, and buffer) but also in terms of the modification of electrode surface. It was found that all the above-mentioned parameters have effect on insulin oxidation, but the greatest changes in voltammetric signals were caused by the nano-modification of electrode surfaces and the structure of insulin. The information about the secondary structure of insulin in solutions was obtained by measuring circular dichroism spectra and their subsequent evaluation using a novel method for secondary structure determination of proteins BeStSel (Beta Structure Selection).
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