Showing through the Known : Problematizing Gender Identity in “Snow White & The Seven Microaggressions”


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Year of publication 2022
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source SKASE Journal of Literary and Cultural Studies
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords Snow-White; gender; gender norms; microaggressions; re-writings
Description The power of fairy tales to pass on values and traditions has been discussed by many scholars – frequently in terms of the imposition of behavioural norms on the readers. However, the popularity of the genre also allows contemporary authors to pass on new messages by re-writing the stories. Laura Lane and Ellen Haun’s re-writing of Snow-White called “Snow White & The Seven Microaggressions,” unsurprisingly, deals with microaggressions and gender expectations. This paper addresses how the authors use the well-known premises as a tool to enlighten their readers about the changing perception of gender, identity and sex-based stereotypes in contemporary society.
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