Towards Interactive Geovisualization Authoring Toolkit for Industry Use Cases

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Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
MU Faculty or unit

Institute of Computer Science

Keywords Geospatial Data; Geovisualizations; Visual Authoring Tools
Description Interactive visualizations of geospatial data are commonplace in various applications and tools. The visual complexity of these visualizations ranges from simple point markers placed on the cartographic maps through visualizing connections, heatmaps, or choropleths to their combination. Designing proper visualizations of geospatial data is often tricky, and the existing approaches either provide only limited support based on pre-defined templates or require extensive programming skills. In our previous work, we introduced the Geovisto toolkit -- a~novel approach that blends between template editing and programmatic approaches providing tools for authoring reusable multilayered map widgets even for non-programmers. In this paper, we extend our previous work focusing on Geovisto's application in the industry. Based on the critical assessment of two existing usage scenarios, we summarize the necessary design changes and their impact on the toolkit's architecture and implementation. We further present a case study where Geovisto was used in the production-ready application for IoT sensor monitoring developed by Logimic, a Czech-US startup company. We conclude by discussing the advantages and limitations of our approach and outlining the future work.
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