A pilot study of HEXACO dimensions and therapeutic change as potential predictors of negative effects of psychotherapy

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Year of publication 2022
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Československá psychologie
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

web článek - open access
Doi http://dx.doi.org/10.51561/cspsych.66.5.532
Keywords Negative Effects Questionnaire; negative effects of psychotherapy; side effects of psychotherapy; HEXACO Personality Inventory-Revised
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Description Objectives. The aim of this study was to explore possible relationships between the HEXACO personality traits (i.e., Extraversion, Emotionality, Honesty-Humility, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Openness to experience) and the negative effects of psychotherapy. Sample and settings. A total of 148 respondents answered an online survey. Descriptive and multivariate regression analyses were performed. Hypotheses. Clients’ personality traits were expected to predict the negative effects of psychotherapy. Results. Extraversion was the strongest negative predictor of negative effects, serving as a protective factor against the worsening of symptoms, hopelessness, and stigma. Furthermore, Emotionality was related to a lower perceived quality of psychotherapy, Conscientiousness was related to hopelessness, and Openness to experience served as a protector against dependency. Limitations. The findings are based on a one-time retrospective measurement and a convenience sample. The results must be interpreted with caution because the assumptions of linear regression were not fulfilled.
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