Skleněný nosník (skleněná žiletka) o rozměrech 25 cm x 450 cm

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This publication doesn't include Faculty of Sports Studies. It includes Faculty of Science. Official publication website can be found on
Title in English Structural glass beam with dimensions 25 cm x 450 cm


Year of publication 2021
Type Outcomes put into operation (prototype, working sample)
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description The production of laminated safety glass, and in particular multi ply laminates/glass beams impose challenging requirements which are practically very difficult to meet. The technical solution of glass adhesion with the SentryGlas ionoplast interlayer is especially important for the production of multi ply laminated safety glass products, which requires the application of both tin and air-sides of glass plates. In such cases, it is usually necessary to apply a special chemical primer to increase the adhesion on the air side of the glass plate. This project deals with the possible application of DCSBD atmospheric plasma technology for surface modification of glass and SentryGlas ionoplast interlayers in order to eliminate the application of chemical primers that increase the adhesion on the air side of glass in the current production process. The result of the project is a functional sample ‘Structural glass beam with dimensions 25 cm × 450 cm’ produced by laminated safety glass technology utilizing the DCSBD plasma technology for surface modification of glass plates and SentryGlas ionoplast interlayers. This result was created by OGB s.r.o. in cooperation with Masaryk University as the output of TAČR Trend project (FW03010109).
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