K revizi koncepce tělesné výchovy v České republice – směřování k pohybové gramotnosti


This publication doesn't include Faculty of Sports Studies. It includes Faculty of Education. Official publication website can be found on muni.cz.
Title in English Reviewing the Concept of Physical Education in the Czech Republic – Orientation Towards Physical Literacy


Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Gramotnost, pregramotnost a vzdělávání
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

web https://pages.pedf.cuni.cz/gramotnost/files/2021/11/Gramotnost_02_2021_Vlcek.pdf
Keywords PE curriculum research; curriculum change; PE conception; physical literacy
Description This text reviews the physical education (PE) curriculum in the Czech Republic and discusses the possible transformation of the Czech PE curriculum based on the concept of physical literacy. The holistic approach to the PE curriculum sets the scene for the discussion in which the current PE curriculum is briefl y reviewed, based on research fi ndings in fi ve specifi c forms of the curriculum. Research indicates incongruence between the intended (conceptual) curriculum and other curriculum forms. For example, the currently declared health-oriented concept is not accepted by the public and is largely not being implemented by teachers. Doubts about the effects of the health-oriented concept of PE are also raised by the achieved curriculum, as the levels of physical activity and the health status of the Czech population are unsatisfactory. Based on our fi ndings we agree with others in the fi eld that the health-oriented PE concept has proved unsatisfactory and the new PE concept should be based on physical literacy. The term physical literacy has taken many forms, encompassing different defi nitions, aims, and content, and this is problematic. International research underpins the controversy about the current concept of the PE curriculum in the Czech Republic. We try to indicate in which direction the concept of PE based on physical literacy should go, and what the transformation of the Czech PE curriculum should or could consist of.
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