The Current State of The Art and Future of European Cyber Range Ecosystem

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CSABA Virág ČEGAN Jakub TOMÁŠ Lieskovan MATTEO Merialdo

Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference 2021 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience (CSR)
MU Faculty or unit

Institute of Computer Science

Keywords cyber range; ecosystem; open source; KYPO CRP; training; cyber defense exercise;
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Description The Cyber Range Focus Group (CRFG) is established in the context of the four Horizon 2020 pilots contributing to the establishment of a European Cybersecurity Competence Network, with the purpose to horizontally coordinate the activities related to cyber ranges across the four pilots and contribute to the creation of a European ecosystem for cyber ranges, bringing together providers of both range infrastructure and range content. As the cyber domain is a non-deterministic complex one with a constantly evolving knowledge and threat landscape, simulation environments are emerging as the means to raise cyber resilience and dexterity. The EU cyber range ecosystem is constantly developing as the services become more affordable and accessible for more organizations and individuals through open-source technologies and federation of those resources. In contrast, a cyber range ecosystem-focused marketplace is foreseen to boost the market implementation, accessibility, and affordability.
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