Software pro podporu rozhodování při řešení bezpečnostního incidentu


This publication doesn't include Faculty of Sports Studies. It includes Institute of Computer Science. Official publication website can be found on
Title in English Software for the decision support in the security incident handling


Year of publication 2020
MU Faculty or unit

Institute of Computer Science

web Umístění zdrojových kódů software
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Description The software implements a set of algorithms to support decision-making of a cybersecurity team in the protection of a computer network or an information system. The software processes the list of hosts, services, and vulnerabilities, and privileges that could be be held by an attacker. Another input is a formal representation of services that support critical processes in the organization operating the network of information system. The mapping of such services to hosts in the network is also provided. The software generates a list of possible configurations that enable the critical processes to run. For each configuration, the software calculates a score representing the possibility of a successful breach. The output is the recommendation of the most resilient configuration.
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