Etnocentrismus jako součást klasifikací : Srovnání konstrukce hinduismu a středověkých herezí


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Title in English Ethnocentrism as a Part of Classifications : A Comparison of the Construction of Hinduism and Medieval Heresy


Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Sacra
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

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Keywords medieval heresy; Lollardy; Hinduism; ethnocentrism; postcolonialism
Description This article shows the way of comparing two seemingly unrelated phenomena – Hinduism and medieval heresy, specifically Lollardy. It will argue that the construction of both categories from the ethnocentric perspective of power (colonists and inquisitors, respectively), as well as the acceptance of those categories by researches mainly before the postcolonial criticism, bears significant similarities. Thus, the paper will show that the postcolonial perspective is a suitable framework for not only concepts related to former colonies, but also to discover and, if possible, remove, ethnocentric aspects of such seemingly remote phenomena as medieval heresy in England.
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