Chudožestvennaja realizacija perceptivnych obrazov v stihotvorenii O. Bržeziny Bratstvo verjaščich (na materiale originalnogo i perevodnych tekstov)


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Title in English The Poetic Realization of Perceptual Images in the Poem The Brotherhood of Believers by O. Březina (A Case Study of the Original and Translated Texts)


Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Text Book Publishing
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords poetic text; metaphor; perceptual image; translation; Symbolism
Description The article is devoted to the linguistic and stylistic analysis of the poem The Brotherhood of Believers in the context of the poetic and philosophical works of the Czech Symbolist poet Otokar Březina. It focuses on how the key perceptional images are conveyed through the linguistic means of expression in the original text and its Russian translations and deals with the linguistic transformations that are caused by the author’s individual worldview and poetic tradition. One of the tasks associated with the modern research in the field of text theory and its philological analysis is to compare the original text with the two versions of its Russian translations.

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