Analýza projektovaného kurikula TV ve Švédsku: komparace s RVP ZV


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Title in English Analysis of the Swedish PE curricula: A comparison with the Czech curricula documents

LUPAČ Michal

Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Tělesná kultura
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords physical education, Sweden, the Czech Republic, educational programmes, comparison, internal coherence, instructional quality
Description This paper follows number of studies dealing with the analysis of the projected physical education (PE) curriculum in select European countries. Their joint effort is to analyse the concept and educational content of PE and to point out their differences and similarities with the Czech Framework educational programmes. The results could serve as an inspiration for the future revision of the Czech curriculum. Objective: The objective is to analyse the projected curriculum of physical education in Sweden and to compare it with the PE educational program in the Czech Republic. We focus on selected factors of the curriculum quality: instructional quality and internal coherence. We also concentrate on the current conceptual direction of the analysed documents according to Naul’s concept description (2003, 2011). Methods: The selected documents were chosen according to their current validity in Sweden and the Czech Republic. The research method is based on the problem approach and qualitative case-oriented methodology. For the analysis of the curriculum documents, a categorical system has been developed. It covers five main themes – skills, abilities, knowledge, attitudes and actions. Based on these themes the concepts of the documents were identified. The degree of the instructional quality and internal coherence is presented in a mutual comparison of the documents. Results: The Swedish curriculum is aimed at the health and movement concept as closely related inseparable concepts of PE. Compared to the Czech curriculum, it achieves higher degrees of internal coherence, but similar level of instructional quality. Conclusions: The paper highlights some problems concerning different conceptual approaches toward projecting specific components of the Czech curriculum resulting in lower quality of internal coherence. Given its coherent content, the Swedish curriculum document may be a good inspiration source for the revision of Czech educational programmes.
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