Respiratory diseases in children and air pollution - the Cost-Of-Illness assessment in Ostrava city


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TÓTHOVÁ Dominika

Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Central European Journal of Public Policy
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Keywords Cost-Of-Illness; health cost; Ostrava; nasopharyngitis; bronchitis; children
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Description The article addresses the need to identify and quantify the external costs of air pollution on the health of the population, especially children. The subject of the evaluation are the respiratory illnesses acute nasopharyngitis and acute bronchitis, both which have very high incidence in connection with air pollution. The aim of this paper is to estimate the cost of morbidity and to determine the amount of additional social costs of airway morbidity amongst children 0–15 years located in Ostrava city, one of most polluted cities in the Europe, compared to the incidence of these diseases in the whole Czech Republic. Estimation of social costs is based on the Cost-Of-Illness approach, in which the total value is made up of the costs actually incurred in treating illness and in loss of productivity. Using this approach, additional costs related to the treatment of illnesses were calculated at approximately €20 million per year, which represents approximately 0.4% of Ostrava's regional GDP.
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