On the interplay between plasma discharge instability and formation of free-standing graphene nanosheets in a dual-channel microwave plasma torch at atmospheric pressure

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Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Journal of physics D: Applied physics
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

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Doi http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1361-6463/ab0f69
Keywords graphene; nanosheet; carbon; microwave torch discharge; ethanol decomposition
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Description The influence of the interplay between central (Q(C)) and secondary (Q(S)) channel gas flow, as well as delivered microwave power (P_MW), during graphene nanosheet synthesis in a dual-channel electrode configuration of a microwave plasma torch at atmospheric pressure by ethanol decomposition was investigated. In the dual-channel configuration, plasma discharge can be sustained, even at high flow rates of ethanol, due to the separation of argon working and carrier gas. The plasma discharge instability was mainly influenced by an increase in the central channel flow, and a minor influence of secondary channel flow was also observed. With respect to the dependence on experimental conditions, the synthesized nanopowder consisted of amorphous carbon and nanocrystalline diamond nanoparticles, defective carbon nanosheets or few-layer graphene nanosheets. The synthesized nanosheets are rectangular in shape with a lateral size of several hundreds of nanometres and a few graphene layers thick, as shown by electron microscopy. Raman and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis of the synthesized nanosheets showed a good degree of graphitization, low oxygen content and increasing quality of graphene nanosheets with increasing microwave power. The number of defects in the synthesized nanosheets could be decreased by elongation of the graphene nanosheet assembly zone. An increase in the C_2/C emission line intensity ratio correlated with a decrease in the number of defects in the graphene nanosheet structure. The achieved conversion yield of ethanol into graphene nanosheets was 8.3%, without negatively affecting the nanosheet quality.
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