Modified Prüfer angle and conditional oscillation of perturbed linear and half-linear differential equations

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Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Applied Mathematics and Computation
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Citation HASIL, Petr and Michal VESELÝ. Modified Prüfer angle and conditional oscillation of perturbed linear and half-linear differential equations. Applied Mathematics and Computation. New York: ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, 2019, vol. 361, NOV 15 2019, p. 788-809. ISSN 0096-3003. Available from:
web Full Text
Keywords Half-linear equations; Conditional oscillation; Oscillation constant; Riccati equation; p-Laplacian; Prüfer angle
Description The research and results described in this paper belong to the qualitative theory of differential equations (more precisely, the partial differential equations with the one-dimensional p-Laplacian). Using a method whose core is formed by the Prüfer technique, we identify a borderline case between oscillatory and non-oscillatory equations. Moreover, we are able to decide whether the studied equations are oscillatory or not even in the so-called critical (i.e., the borderline) case. The advantage of our approach is the fact that we obtain new and strong results for linear and half-linear equations (i.e., the equations with the one-dimensional p-Laplacian) at the same time. In addition, we are able to work with equations whose coefficients are non-constant and non-periodic. The novelty of our results is documented by examples and corollaries.
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