Porovnání efektivity léčby stěsnání v dolním zubním oblouku vestibulárním a 2D lingválním fixním ortodontickým aparátem s využitím strippingu

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This publication doesn't include Faculty of Sports Studies. It includes Faculty of Medicine. Official publication website can be found on muni.cz.
Title in English Comparison of effectiveness of lower arch crowding management using vestibular and 2D lingual fixed orthodontic appliance with stripping


Year of publication 2017
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Ortodoncie
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

web http://www.orthodont-cz.cz
Keywords 2D lingual appliances; stripping; crowding; protrusion; lower incisors; straight-wire technique; fixed orthodontic appliance
Description Aims: The aim was to compare alterations in the position of lower incisors that appeared during the lower dental arch crowding therapy with the help of vestibular straight-wire appliance and 2D lingual appliance. Material and method: The sample included 60 adult patients, 30 treated with vestibular fixed appliance (V group) and 30 with 2D lingual appliance (2D group). The groups were further subdivided into two sub-groups according to the extent of stripping performed. In all the groups the evaluation of the distance between lower incisal point and the connecting line of lower canines and lower premolars, of the distance between incisal edge of lower incisors and A-Po line, and of the inclination of lower incisors to the mandibular line, was done. Results: Compared to 2D group,V group showed the significantly bigger increase in the distance between the incisal edge of mandibular incisors and A-Po line after the parameter was cleared off the influence of crowding following stripping (p = 0.05). Comparison of subgroups 2D and V with stripping up to 2 mm (inclusive) showed statistically significant increase in the distance between lower incisal point and intercanine distance in the subgroup V (p = 0.05). No statistically significant difference of the parameters was found between subgroups 2D and V with stripping exceeding 2 mm. Conclusion: 2D lingual appliances can be recommended as an adequate alternative to vestibular straight-wire appliances in the treatment of crowding in the lower dental arch of minor up to medium extent.
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