Gdańsk Affairs at the Council of Constance (1414–1418)

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Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Studia z Dziejów Średniowiecza = Medieval Studies
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

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Keywords The Council of Constance; Gdańsk; Teutonic Order; Bridgettine Convent
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Description At first sight it might seem that the Procurator of the Teutonic Order, Peter Wormditt, had represented the interests of the Gdańsk townspeople more than the Grand Master and the Order’s leadership at Constance. In reality, what came first was the good name of the Order in the eyes of the European public. The leading representatives of the Order did not always understand, from a procurator’s perspective, the consequences and wider ramifications of their decisions concerning their subjects. Therefore, paradoxically, Wormditt’s criticisms of the Grand Master were motivated by the wish to spread and preserve the good name of the Teutonic Knights. Naturally, the Gdańsk affairs were not of such significance that they were part of the agenda of the main Council meetings. On the other hand, the Council of Constance gradually grew in importance as the town drew in representatives from nearly all of the Church hierarchy, European universities, and delegations from rulers, princes, and towns. The presence of the Roman king and his court also attracted many people from across Europe who came hoping to settle public or even private affairs. Gdańsk and its townspeople contributed, albeit slightly, to the fact that the description of the Council of Constance as a European congress, or a Medieval global event, would appear to be entirely justified.
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