Regime shifts caused by adaptive dynamics in prey–predator models and their relationship with intraspecific competition


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Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Ecological Complexity
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Keywords Adaptive dynamics; Eco-evolutionary modelling; Holling’s type response function; Predator–prey mode; Hysteresis; Irreversible transients; Reversible transients; Intraspecific competition
Description The paper gives a survey to adaptive dynamics and reviews several eco-evolutionary models of prey–predator interactions. General case of a prey–predator system that include an adaptive trait of the prey against predator activity is taken together with overview of typical specific examples of predator–prey models with Holling’s type functional responses. The study confirms that predator functional response affected by prey trait adaptation causes reversible and irreversible regime shifts and we distinguish typical cases. It is proved that specialized adaptive trait changes induce stability or irreversible regime shift, whereas intraspecific competition asymmetry is necessary for reversible regime shifts, hysteresis or more complex dynamics.
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