

Year of publication 2017
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Kinanthropology
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Sports Studies

Keywords Intrinsic Motoric Imagination (IMI); Extrinsic Motoric Imagination (EMI); Concentration; Neuromuscular study; Handgrip muscles group; Mind; Imagery training; Muscle contraction; functional magnetic resonance (fMRI)
Description This paper attempts to share experience of the process of methodical crystallization in study related to use of intrinsic motoric imagination as a method of increasing level of isometric muscular strength contraction of handgrip muscles. This project comes under neuromuscular field of science. Researches dealing with direct “mind to body” impact are rather rare and struggle with methodical concepts or interpretation of results very often. Therefore, this study is trying to pass on my experiences gained in the process of formulating methodical procedure to show an example how to form methodical procedure in little mapped scientific field. Compared with research findings I summarized aim of project into four main areas: selection of nature of population and form of getting feedback information during research; selection of muscle group and appropriate measuring instrument; how to explain and teach imagination skills to participants and develop suitable imagination training program; selection of the most appropriate brain activity displaying method. Results: 50 (20 to 30 years) non-athlete men are assumed as suitable sample. Each participant should fill imagination training feedback information in special questionnaire every day. Handgrip muscles are considered as an appropriate muscle group. This group of muscles are used on daily base on certain level of activity. Therefore it should be more resistant against accidental workload impact. This study suggests organising 1 to 3 common lectures. Common lecture includes basic information about use of imagination and its limits, explanation how to concentrate on image of working muscle properly and getting familiar with isometric handgrip muscle dynamometer. FMRI is considered (functional magnetic resonance) as a most appropriate brain activity displaying method. Each Participant takes part in 3 measuring (1 before training program, 1 after 4 weeks and 1 after training program – 8 weeks).

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