Hledisko inkluze a současné vývojové trendy v porovnání českého a řeckého vzdělávacího systému


This publication doesn't include Faculty of Sports Studies. It includes Faculty of Education. Official publication website can be found on muni.cz.
Title in English Inclusion aspect and current developmental trends in comparison to the Czech and Greek educational system


Year of publication 2017
Type Workshop
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Citation MARTINEC, Ivo. Hledisko inkluze a současné vývojové trendy v porovnání českého a řeckého vzdělávacího systému (Inclusion aspect and current developmental trends in comparison to the Czech and Greek educational system). 2017.
Description The aim of the workshop realized within the framework of the educational program New Trends in the Management of Schools and School Facilities was to get acquainted with current developmental trends in educational programs and in teaching technology and application of results of the research project Special needs of pupils in the context of the Framework Educational Program for Basic Education (MSM0021622443) and the Greek education system through excursions to schools for primary and secondary education (PRIMARY SCHOOL OF OiA, PRIMARY SCHOOL OF THIRA, SECONDARY SCHOOL OF EMPORIO) and to kindergarten and stationary for pupils requiring special care. Workshops with leadership and pedagogues focused on familiarizing with the basic systemic issues of education in Greece, the issue of inclusion in school conditions and, more generally, the Greek education system, the links between primary education in pre-school and secondary education and the concept of extra-curricular activities and artistic education and current school projects in the field of innovative educational processes in which, in correlation with the research findings made by the research intention, emphasis is put on personal contact, individual work with pupils and parents, creating an atmosphere of mutual trust and cooperation. Inclusion is an integral part of the education system and is applied in a differentiated way with
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