Rizikové faktory lokální reziduální neoplazie po endoskopické mukózní resekci


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Title in English Risk factors for local residual neoplasia after endoscopic mucosal resection

BROGYUK Nagyija GREGA Tomáš VOŠKA Michal NGO Ondřej MÁJEK Ondřej DUŠEK Ladislav ZAVORAL Miroslav SUCHÁNEK Štěpán

Year of publication 2017
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Gastroenterologie a hepatologie
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

web http://www.csgh.info/cs/clanek/rizikove-faktory-lokalni-rezidualni-neoplazie-po-endoskopicke-mukozni-resekci-10850
Doi http://dx.doi.org/10.14735/amgh2017394
Field Other medical specializations
Keywords Endoscopic mucosal resection; Laterally spreading tumor; Local residual neoplasia; Risk factors
Description Endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) is considered an effective endoscopic treatment of sessile polyps and non-polypoid colorectal neoplasia. A limitation of this technique is the risk of incomplete endoscopic resection, which can lead to local residual neoplasia development. Aim: Identification of the risk factors associated with local residual neoplasia (LRN) onset. Methods: Retrospective analysis was performed on colorectal neoplasia EMRs in one high-volume tertiary-referral endoscopic center in 2013-2015. Individuals with at least one follow-up colonoscopy after the initial EMR were included. LRN was defined as the histopathological presence of neoplastic tissue at the post-EMR site. Univariate and multivariate analysis of factors associated with LRN were performed.
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