Contribution of 3D photogrammetry for ballistic analysis of lithic projectiles

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Year of publication 2017
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description We have developed new method for archaeometric analysis of lithic projectiles using 3D photogrammetry and virtual models of projectiles. Till these days ballistic analysise of these archaeological artefacts was done simple by using simple formulas with just few exact metric values so there was possibility of innacurate result. Our method use high definition 3D models of projectiles which provides much more accurate hard data which can be later used for statistical or balistic analyse. Several hundreds of lithic projectiles dated from late neolithic and early bronze age from burial sites as Mýtná Nová Ves, Holešov and several more were analysed and evaluated by our new method with very interesting results. Such number of examined artefacts provides solid base for statistical evaluation of such important complex of artefacts.
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