Lithic projectiles and other chipped lithic industry of Nitra Culture. Gender and technology

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Year of publication 2017
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

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Description Roots of socially stratified society of advanced Bronze Age of central Europe come from turbulent changes at the end of Eneolithic and at Early Bronze Age period. Nitra Culture is important element in this process. Lithic industry significance is unjustly overshadowed by copper and bronze objects attractiveness and by its evident potential to reflect personal representation, in these special periods. Lithic industry found in large cemeteries of Nitra culture in last century, is re-analysed by combination of new methods and approaches. New information regarding lithics operation and life cycle, interconnected with age and gender, are find out. Previously unidentified types of tools or whole toolkits, or wide range of semi-products reflecting production processes and distribution of this knowledge and practice in population, are identified newly. Analysis of the most attractive tool of Nitra culture lithics – the projectiles – is included in our multifocal research. Two largest collections of Nitra culture lithics, i.e. Mýtná Nová Ves and Holešov – Zdražilovska, are compared. This comparison brings more information regarding regional differences of reflections of social structure, tradition and production practice.
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