Motivation and Adherence of Female Junior Basketball Players in Transition to Professional Stage


ŠIMKOVÁ Katarína

Year of publication 2017
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Studia Sportiva
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Sports Studies

Field Psychology
Keywords motivation;transition;communication;improvement;dynamics;lifestyle;time management
Description According to the results; the main motives in Slovak young female basketball players (15-18) for continuing sport on professional/elite level are: team (communication, relationships, support, team spirit); lifestyle (enjoyment, mental relaxation); sense of achievement (self-competence, improvement of basketball skills); specifics of basketball (dynamics, complexity, being active, health); coach (dual relationships, teaching something new, individual approach, support and motivation, stable mood, character); sustainability (earning a living); atmosphere. The negative motive is time management – enough time for studies and being able to manage time for personal life. The domain connecting all of the motives seems to be enjoyment – if young females can´t enjoy the time spent playing basketball, the interest may decrease even with high sense of achievement. The results need to be understood within the realm of opportunities presented by the country itself.

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