Zjištění zájmu k sportovně pohybovým aktivitám žen v rámci sportovně relaxačního víkendu

Title in English The findings of interest to sports and movements activities of women during sports and relaxation weekend


Year of publication 2017
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Výchova ke zdraví a zdravý životní styl
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Sports Studies

Field Sport and leisure time activities
Keywords aerobic activity; movement activity; exercise programme; body and mind; frequency of movement activity; motivation; BMI - body mass index; woman
Description This article presents the results of the finding interest to sports and movement activities of woman during of sports and relaxation weekends organized FSpS lifelong learning. Within 3 daily active exercise program in the Moravian spa town Luhačovice (organized regulary twice a year – on May and September), we offer exercise programs that lead to the harmonization of the physical and mental component, to promote a healthy lifestyle, inspiration and motivation to increase regular physical activity. The aim of our investigation was to determine access to popular physical activities, lifestyle, weekly frequency and preference PA, specific goals and motivations, and also questioned whether women perceive positively their physical appearance, health and performance in the subjective evaluation of their own people.

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