Key Factors for Public Utility Efficiency and Effectiveness: Waste Management Services in the Czech Republic

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Year of publication 2017
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Ekonomický časopis
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Field Management and administrative
Keywords waste management; efficiency; Czech Republic; economies of scale; inter-municipal cooperation
Description The article is focused on empirical analysis of municipal waste management services in the Czech Republic. Authors have identified the following key factors for public utility efficiency and effectiveness: recycling, competition, form of company ownership, the effects of economies of scale, inter-municipal cooperation, distance to landfill and hybrid organization. The aim of the article is to analyse these factors, and to discuss their relationship to cost efficiency and effectiveness with a focus on the impact of municipality size. Waste management expenditure in municipalities is most influenced by the achievement of economies of scale. Additionally, it was found that of a waste collection company is under public ownership, this has a similarly strong impact on expenditure. Another two important factors associated with cost savings and the management of waste collection companies are inter municipal cooperation and hybrid organization, which are of equal importance.
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