Možné ohrožení virtuálními drogami a jinými nelátkovými závislostmi ve vysokoškolském prostředí - ohlédnutí


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Title in English Possible Exposure to Virtual Drugs and Other Non-substantial Addictions in Academic Background - a Review


Year of publication 2015
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference ŠKOLA A ZDRAVÍ V 21. STOLETÍ: sborník za roky 2014 a 2015
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords questionnaire; game; internet; mobile phone; addictive behaviour; computer; risk; student; study; virtual drug; research; university
Description Anonymous survey method was approached by a sample of full-time students at Masaryk University. Recruitment of respondents was conducted using the snowball method. The research study focused on students' experiences with the so-called virtual drugs (computer, mobile phone, internet, video, television), gambling and other potentially risky behaviours (betting, shopping, loans, debts). The collected data were statistically analysed. Working with a computer, internet and mobile phones are commonly operated daily activities, which respondents use to browse of the Web contents, reading e-mail, chat, social networking, phoning and writing SMS messages. Prevalence lifetime experience with slot machines amounted to a sample of 30% (game only), with 20% of winning. On the computer or game console to play in the lives of 80% of respondents, more than 40% of the population have ever bet. Third of the sample had bought more expensive consumer goods that are not necessarily needed, 5% have taken a consumer loan.
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