Pavlov I. Předběžné výsledky výzkumu v letech 2013 - 2015.

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Title in English Pavlov I. Preliminary results of the 2013-2015 excavation.


Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Přehled výzkumů
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Citation SVOBODA, Jiří, Martin NOVÁK and Sandra SÁZELOVÁ. Pavlov I. Předběžné výsledky výzkumu v letech 2013 - 2015. (Pavlov I. Preliminary results of the 2013-2015 excavation.). Přehled výzkumů. 2016, vol. 57, No 1, p. 33-57. ISSN 1211-7250.
Field Archaeology, anthropology, ethnology
Keywords Pavlov; Early Upper Paleolithic; Gravettian; chronology; microstratigraphy; settlement structure; mammoth bone deposit
Description This paper presents preliminary evidence from new excavation at Pavlov I, a well-known Gravettian/Pavlovian site now prepared for the construction of a museum. In addition to the aims of large-scale preparatory and salvage excava-tions evoked by the construction, our focus was on more detailed stratigraphies of the cultural deposits and on spatial organisation of this extensive settlement. Obviously, Pavlov I has a longer prehistory (including early Gravettian and Early Upper Paleolithic layers in the subsoil) and a more complex spatial structure (including an adjacent mammoth bone deposit) than was previously thought. However processing and interpreting the associated paleobotanical, archaeozoological and archaeological material will be a long-term task.
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