Perceptivnost ključevych chudožestvennych obrazov v poezii jevropejskich i russkich simvolistov


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Title in English Perception of the key poetic images in the poetry of european and Russian symbolists


Year of publication 2015
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Hľadanie ekvivalentností VII. Acta Facultatis Philosophicae Universitatis Prešoviensis
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Linguistics
Keywords symbolism; perception; visual image; linguistic means of expression; author's worldview; poetic text
Description Perception is one of the characteristics of the images and symbols presented in the works of European and Russian Symbolists. The internal state of the poet, his feelings and emotions, the image of the world and the perception of the problems of being are verbalized by linguistic means with the semantics of sensory perception. Perceptual images allows the author to present the basic idea of the poetic work and reflect his vision of the world emotionally and expressively. As part of the poetic text these traditional images and symbols acquire individual author´s content.

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