Sports training within Special Olympics fitness innovation program



Year of publication 2015
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Sports Studies

Description Faculty of Sport Sciences, Masaryk University, Brno Background and purpose: the basic principle of Special Olympics (SO) sports program is participation in all over the year training and competition. Improvement of fitness is considered as the bases for future sports achievement and improvement of athletes health related fitness variables. Special Olympics Europe/Eurasia with European Union support granted six selected European SO Healthy Athletes programs to innovate fitness of sportsmen with mental disability. Methods: the project of SO Czech Republic is focused on the domains: coaches and athletes education in fitness training. The presented article describes case studies of 11 athletes (beginners and advancers), their training achievements in athletic running events (100 – 200 – 400 m) measured during last two years, specially in 2015 year. Running events were chosen as because the natural movement can be minimally polluted with skills (influenced with cognitive limits). Conclusion: examples of athletes performance in different age cohorts and different training experience are demonstrated. In conclusion – athletes with mental disability like to be trained and like to participate in competition. It is possible to improve their fitness and good results even in their 40-50 years age.

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