Inclusive university education and sports studies programs (consideration for discussion)



Year of publication 2015
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Sports Studies

Description Process of inclusive education should be understood as the life concept of independent living of all individuals. AS physical Education (PE) is considered as firm part of education curricula on elementary, secondary school level of students with disabilities (students with special education needs – SEN) have right to participate in regular PE lessons. Research studies show the barriers for wide spread inclusion are: training of regular PE teachers and markers regarding this context: attitudes, knowledge and skills, braveness and flexibility oriented on innovation, economy and technology conditions. Even inclusion of students with SEN in university study is adequate in European/National legislation and quite common in reality, PE and sport sciences are discusses frequently with academic staff within sports universities. Questions are mostly about school and university study safety, fitness, skills, the principles of negative or positive discrimination. Regarding Allport “contact theory” there is a question: can students with SEN receive the chance to study (and be potential professionals) the programs under umbrella of programs like, e.g.: physical education, adapted physical activity, sport studies, human movement studies, kinanthropology, etc.? Can with SEN change the attitudes of university school-mates with contacts with them? The article discuss research findings, evidence based examples and experience from field practice.

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