

Year of publication 2015
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Sports Studies

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Description INTRODUCTION: the aggression is important phenomenon for sports performance.There is dilemma both in training and competition: destructive aggression versus aggression within fair-play behavior regarding accepted regulations. The term “need for achievement” should be more sutably adjusted to the current nconditions. A high level of need for achievement with fair-play orientation needs to be promoted since childhood. THE AIM of the presentation is to describe certain aggression variables of football coaches and compare the trends of those variables among three coaches´ generations. Further – to deduce increasing or decreasing trends of coaches´ aggression. PARTICIPANTS were football coaches – males recruited from three generation cohorts aged between 30-47 years of age in the year of conducting survey. All of them were coaches of 1st Czech Junior Football League and students of UEFA profi-licence: C1: n=30, interviewed in 2000; C2: n=30, intervewed in 2008; C3: n=30, interviewed in 2012. USED INSTRUMENT instrument for data collection was B-D-I (Buss-Durkee Inventory) which consisted from eight subscales plus index of hostility and aggressivity. DATA WERE ANALYZED with descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation) and Scheffe test comparing differences among three goups. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: scores of subscales of coaches aggression, compared with 10 points scale. Subscale “indirect aggressivity” showed increasing trend (C1 - 4,5 points; C3 – 6,2 points), as so as in the scale of “hostility”. Subscale of “verbal aggressivity” did not show the differences among generation cohorts and subscale “negativism” was decreasing. Regarding the findings it is possible to conclude the coaches aggression is mostly in accepted fair-play behavior (high level of need for achievement) even the term “aggression” is sttressed. footbal coaches, generation cohorts, Buss-Durkee Inventory, subscales of aggression, need for achievement

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