Identifikace sportovního talentu dětí

Title in English Identification of sports talent among children


Year of publication 2014
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Svět nadání: Časopis o nadani a nadanych
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Sports Studies

Field Psychology
Keywords Sports talent;biological perspective;psychological perspective;performance
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Description The article focuses on identification of sports talent among children. It is based on the publication Sports talent – a psychological perspective (Vičar, Válková & Protic, 2014). Sports talent is perceived as a dynamic phenomenon. The authors describe the scientific approach to its identification – creating the model of the future athlete, identifying the sport performance criteria or sportogram. The text further analyses individual perspectives that can be used in approaching talent identification – biological, motoricperformance or psychological. The role of psychological characteristics is stressed, both as an indispensable talent component and as a necessary precondition for its development. To conclude, the text contains key information on how identification of sports talent among children should be performed. The authors state that, taking into account the imprecise nature of current methods, identification should rather be used as a starting point for development of capacities rather than as a selection instrument.

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