Atmospheric Transport of Persistent Organic Pollutants to and from the Arctic under Present-Day and Future Climate

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Year of publication 2015
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Environmental Science and Technology
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Air pollution and control
Keywords persistent organic pollutants; climate change; emerging pollutants; Arctic; climate; atmosphere; ecotoxicology
Description The long-term atmospheric cycling and fate of persistent organic pollutants under the influence of a changing climate is a concern. A GCMs realization of present-day (19701999) and future (20702099) climate, the latter under a medium scenario of greenhouse gas emissions, is used to study meridional transports and their correlations with the Arctic and North Atlantic Oscillations (AO and NAO). Regions of import and export maxima into the Arctic are identified along the Arctic Circle. It is found that, under future climate conditions, the net export of PCB153 out of the Arctic will increase. The meridional net flux pattern of this substance is expected to become independent of AO and NAO. For DDT, a trend of decreasing net Arctic import will reverse to an increasing trend 100 years after peak emission, which is partly due to more frequent AO and NAO positive phases. It is concluded that the long-term accumulation trends in the Arctic of other persistent pollutants, including so-called emerging pollutants, are subject to the substances specific behavior and fate in the environment and need to be studied specifically.
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