Presbyteriánska cirkev na Taiwane v rokoch 1945-1987 a jej snaha o legitimizáciu politickej aktivity


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Title in English Presbyterian Church in Taiwan during 1945-1987, and its Effort to Legitimization of Political Involvement


Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Nový Orient
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

web abstrakty k článkom z Nový Orient 2015/3
Field Philosophy and religion
Keywords Christianity; Protestantism; Taiwan; Presbyterian Church in Taiwan; Political Activity; Legitimization Strategies
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Description The aim of the article is to analyze the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan between years 1945 and 1987 – since the arrival of the new Kuomintang government until the lifting of martial law. In 1971, the Presbyterian Church started publishing so called public statements. These documents were declared to be ecumenical works, however, they had very strong political context. Publishing political document by religious organization was considered to be quite controversial act. The very first public statement was one of the first public appeals of the self-determination of Taiwan published on the island. At first the article shows historical and socio-political background of the public statements. The analyzed public statements were published for certain events and all of analyzed documents were politically concerned. In these documents it is possible to observe legitimization strategies used to explain own political involvement of the church. They are therefore analyzed.
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