Impacts of hydrometeorological extremes in the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands in 1706–1889 as derived from taxation records

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Year of publication 2015
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Geografie - Sborník České geografické společnosti
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Atmosphere sciences, meteorology
Keywords hydrometeorological extremes; taxation records; damage; impacts; Bohemian Moravian Highlands
Description Taxation records related to tax relief for farmers whose livelihoods were affected by hydrometeorological extremes (HMEs) on seven estates in the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands (Moravia) in the 1706–1889 period are used to study the impacts of HMEs on the socio-economic situation of the farmers. The impacts of HMEs are here classified into agricultural production, material property and the socio-economic situation of individual farmers. Direct impacts took the form of losses of property, supplies and farming equipment, and also of bad yields, depletion of livestock and damage to fields and meadows. Simple lack of income, debt,impoverishment, reduction in livestock and deterioration in field fertility were among the longer-term effects. The impacts are discussed with respect to approaches to mitigation of the negative effects of HMEs and to the problems associated with obtaining support and in terms of a hierarchy of consequent impacts. The paper embodies a methodological approach for analysis of HMEs impacts in South Moravia in the 17th–19th centuries.
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