Verbalizacija vizualno-perceptivnych obrazov v poetičeskom tvorčestve serebrjanogo veka


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Title in English Verbalization of visually-perceptive images in poetic works of the Silver Age of Russian poetry


Year of publication 2015
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Příspěvky k aktuálním otázkám jazykovědné rusistiky 4
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Linguistics
Keywords poetic text; analysis; visual perception; meaning; authors individual style
Description Special attention in the process of poetic text research is paid to analysis of perception as author’s individual acceptance of the surrounding world. In works of many authors of Silver Age of Russian poetry a fundamental semantic aspect, which semantic centre of the poem is built on, is represented by visual perception. Lexical realization, including semantic of vision, is refilled with a range of associative and implicitly expressed items with aesthetical and emotional meaning.

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