Aktuální vědecké výzkumy v házené

Title in English Present Scientific Researches in Handball


Year of publication 2015
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Studia Sportiva
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Sports Studies

web http://www.fsps.muni.cz/studiasportiva/dokument/Studia_sportiva_2015_9_1.pdf
Field Sport and leisure time activities
Keywords handball; conference; coaching
Attached files
Description The paper contains selected results of some research studies that were presented at the Scientific conference of the European Handball Federation. I focus on the research results, which are interesting contribution to coaching practice or which are from areas close to my own research. I present an analysis of statistical data from the last two Olympic Games, which was presented by doc. Táborský, as well as two articles which deal with very often discussed issue of the appropriate size ball for particular age categories. I mention the research carried out the Slovenian coaches, from which some dataI compare with data from research in the Czech Republic. The last mentioned paper compares the training effect of the traditional periodization with block periodization.
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