Lingvističeskije sredstva vyraženija avtorskogo mirovosprijatija v tekste originala i perevoda (na materiale stichotvorenija O.Březiny Nastrojenije)


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Title in English Linguistic representation of author s world perception in original and translated text (on material Brzhezina s poem Mood)


Year of publication 2015
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Russkij jazyk i literatura v prostranstve mirovoj kultury, Materialy Kongressa MAPRJAL, Granada
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Linguistics
Keywords perception; poetical translation; synesthesia; artistic image
Description The article deals with the linguistic analysis of O. Brezina’s poem «Mood» and poetic translations by K. Balmont. The goal of this research is to analyse the linguistic means with perceptual semantics and reveal particularities of author’s individual perception. The creation of translating of absolutely equal value in poetry is infeasible. The article analyses the structural- semantic transformations which the poetic world image in the original text undergoes in translation. Ways and methods used for intensifi cation (weakening) of perceptive component and various types of transpositive transfers, pointing out an organic inner communication of original and translated creativity are analyzed.

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