Alternative lottery systems in Europe and key variables for using lottery as a financial resource for sport


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Year of publication 2015
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Studia sportiva
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Field Management and administrative
Keywords sport policy; lottery; sport finance; subsidies
Description Lack of direct public resources in sport enforces seeking various alternatives to gain additional finance in this specific area. Lottery seems to be a natural object for extra taxation respectively reallocation part of the profit in this specfic area directed to the good purposes institute including sport. This practice has become worldwide in different forms. The main question still remains how to do this reallocation in proper way. The aim of this paper is to gather alternative approaches to the lottery as a tool for public sector or public administration for sport financing in selected countries and to identify and discuss relevant and most important variables when considering the lottery as a regular funding system.
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