Stáří ve městě, město v životě seniorů

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Title in English Ageing in the City, City in the Life of Seniors


Year of publication 2013
Type Monograph
Description The book focuses on the links between the phenomena of demographic, or the individual ageing and urbanization, more precisely on the everyday life of an ageing population of cities in the context of socio-spatial processes of regeneration and gentrification. The authors are looking for answers to questions such as: what effect has the changing external environment on the experience of aging? What is the impact of the urban dynamics on the involvement of the elderly in social structures? And are the big Czech cities friendly towards people of a higher age? The answers to these questions are based on the data obtained through mixed-method research using quantitative research based on a standardized survey among the older inhabitants (aged 60 years and over) of the central districts of fourteen large Czech cities and qualitative research with focus groups and individual in-depth interviews.
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