Prostředky vyjádření nejistoty v prozaickém díle Jáchyma Topola

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Title in English Expressing incertitude in Jáchym Topol's fiction


Year of publication 2014
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Bohemica litteraria
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

web Digitální knihovna FF MU
Field Mass media, audiovision
Keywords Jáchym Topol; narration; unreliable narrator; incertitude; indeterminacy; polyphony
Description The aim of this paper is to analyse the instruments of incertitude in the prosaic work of Jáchym Topol. The sources of uncertainty could be characters (due to their unknown motivations), unstable boundaries between fictional reality and illusion, a dream or a hallucination and a lack of information in general. In texts with child narrators, for which we include Chladnou zemí as well, since its narrator shows signs of immaturity, the uncertainty is mainly caused by the amount of conflicting information and uncertain features of variety of subjects important for the development of the plot. Instruments analysed can be divided according to whether they are localised in the explicit and implicit level of the text or in the gaps, then on the basis of how much they encourage a semantic completion. In all cases, it can be argued that the author does not provide reliable clues to determine which of the offered explanations would be the right one. There is also the question of unreliability of narrators and the central role of narration in prosaic works of Jáchym Topol.
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