Moderní trendy ve vyučování matematiky a přírodovědných předmětů. Sborník příspěvků z konference


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Year of publication 2014
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description The Conference „Modern Trends in Education of Mathematics and Science IV“ is an output of the CYKO project. This project is realised at the Faculty of Education Masaryk University, supervised by doc. PhDr. Tomáš Janík, PhD, head of the Institute of School Education. In present times, characterised by lack of interest of young generation in mathematics, physics and chemistry, plays leading role motivation. The question of motivation in mathematics and science is solved in present proceedings. Mathematically oriented works deal with perspective educational methods in algebra, geometry and informatics. Sciences, focused work dealing with interesting natural phenomena and issues didactic (teaching of practical lessons and supplements of textbooks) didactic issues with an emphasis on the use of information technology in education. The authors of proceedings hope that their works will be inspiration for teachers at basic schools in their difficult work.
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