The mobile Internet: Access, use, opportunities and divides among European children

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Year of publication 2015
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source New media and society
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Field Psychology
Keywords Children. Digital divide. Digital inclusion. Internet. Smartphones
Description Based on data collected through the Net Children Go Mobile survey of approximately 3500 respondents aged 9–16 years in seven European countries (Belgium, Denmark, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Romania and the United Kingdom), this article examines the diffusion of smartphones among children and contributes to existing research on mobile digital divides by investigating what influences the adoption of smartphones among children and whether going online from a smartphone is associated with specific usage patterns, thus bridging or widening usage gaps. The findings suggest the resilience of digital inequalities among children, showing how social inequalities intersect with divides in access and result in disparities in online activities, with children who benefit from a greater autonomy of use and a longer online experience also reaching the top of the ladder of opportunities.
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