Rozdíly ve vybraných dynamických a časových parametrech chůze žen ve čtvrté a šesté dekádě života

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Title in English Differences in Selected Dynamic and Time Walking Parameters of Women in 4th and 6th Life Decade


Year of publication 2014
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Studia Sportiva
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Sports Studies

Field Sport and leisure time activities
Keywords force; walk; ground reaction; stance; time; women
Description Out cross-sectional study compares walk vertical ground reaction force and time characteristics of Czech women. Forty women participated in the study. They were divided into two groups according to their age (A 30-39, B 50-60). Each group contained 20 women. For research were used capacitive preassure insoles in the shoe (Pedar Mobile, Novel Munich, 99 sensors, 100 Hz). We realised laboratory survey of natural walking and three stances of each leg were assesed (between the third and eighth steps). Six parameters had been chosen for monitoring. F1 force peak during loading response, F2 – lowest force during decline between both peaks, F3 – force peaks during terminal stance, time of stance, tpr – time of propulsice stage of stance, tab – time of absorption stage of stance. To compare vertical ground reaction force among different persons, percentage of body weight was used. Statistics: ANOVA. A tendency of gradual decrease in the size of vertical force on the sole in %BW has been observed in dpendance on increasing age of the observed women in F1,F2 and F3. significant differencies were found between groups A and B for F3 in %BW. The average time of one stance increases with an increasing age, a significant difference has been found between groups A and B by 9,4 %.
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